Love Your Accent  |  Friday July 3, 2015  |  8:15PM about the show - from the producer Finally recording all the "Love Your Ac...

Love Your Accent
friday july 3, 2015 :: 8:15PM

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Love Your Accent  |  Friday July 3, 2015  |  8:15PM

about the show - from the producer
Finally recording all the "Love Your Accent" Material.. hear all the stories of my adventures in New York and how I rediscovered my accent.

It will be recorded and filmed for posterity - I hope you can make it. 

Trust me.. its going to be *brilliant*.

<click the names for more info>
Chris Williams

Chris Williams

FREE and NO drink minimum - support this awesome venue!

Otto's Shrunken Head - Click here for the map
538 E 14th St, New York, New York 10009
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