The Soundtrack Series  |  Monday June 22, 2015  |  8PM   about the show - from the producer A special "all goth" edition o...

The Soundtrack Series
monday june 22, 2015 :: 8PM

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The Soundtrack Series  |  Monday June 22, 2015  |  8PM

about the show - from the producer
A special "all goth" edition of The Soundtrack Series in honor of David Crabb's new book, "Bad Kid"
Performers and writers get on the mic to tell the hilarious or heart wrenching stories and memories they forever associate with a song from their past. We all love music. But The Soundtrack Series celebrates just how much we all live music. 
The Soundtrack Series operates on the idea that just about everyone has that one song that sparks a great story from their past. Music lovers of different ages, backgrounds, and (of course) musical tastes have come to The Soundtrack Series to tell and listen to song-fueled stories, and feel the buzz that comes from connecting music with memories. The Soundtrack Series is for anyone who has ever built an iTunes library, combed through vinyl at a flea market, used a pencil to tighten their favorite cassette; and for anyone who has a favorite song, a least favorite song, or any song that takes them back to “that one time when…”
The Soundtrack Series has been called "superb" by The AV Club, "The Best Rock and Roll Storytelling Event in New York" by Flavorpill, and "One of the Ten Best Podcasts in NYC" by Time Out New York. The Soundtrack Series is produced and hosted by Dana Rossi, and the podcast is distributed by the Infinite Guest Network from American Public Media.  
<click the names for more info>
Diana Spechler (NY Times, Who By Fire, Skinny)
Saidah Blount (NPR Music)
David Crabb (Bad Kid)
Dana Rossi

$5 - purchase tickets online here.

QED - Click here for the map
27-16 23rd Ave Queens, NY 11105
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