Cake or Death  |  Saturday June 27, 2015  |  7:30PM   about the show - from the producer We live in a divided country. Team Com...

Cake or Death
saturday june 27, 2015 :: 7:30PM

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Cake or Death  |  Saturday June 27, 2015  |  7:30PM 

about the show - from the producer
We live in a divided country. Team Comedy audiences are whiny babies vs. Team Seinfeld is a whiny baby. Team Kaitlyn vs. Team Remember that time she killed a lady with her car? Team Rachel Dolezal is everything that is wrong with America vs. Team Who is Rachel Dolezal I live in the woods and am addicted to meth?

Wherever you stand on these important issues of today, come to Cake or Death?! next Saturday at 7:30 pm. don't let politics divide us. eat some goddamn cake. it's FREE!!! and so is this country (kind of).

<click the names for more info>
Calvin S. Cato
James Nichols
Andy Spital
May Wilkerson
Casey Balsham
Venessa Lince
Tim Dillon

Patrick Holbert

FREE + 1 drink minimum

Stairs Bar - Click here for the map
192 E 2nd St, New York, New York 10009
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