I DON'T GET IT is now a weekly event! The show, produced by comedians Matt Schwartzer and Gary Levitt, takes place every Friday in the back room of East Village indie-rock bar HiFi. The show is still totally free with an 8pm show time.
comics <click the names for more info>
Leah Bonnema
Justin Williams
Petey DeAbreu
Marc Gerber
Allan Finn
Matt Schwartzer
Gary Levitt
Dropping Like Flies (Improv w/ Annetta Marion, Valete Graham, Egor Ampleev, and Suzanne Schatzle)
Regina DeCicco
FREE and NO drink minimum - so support this venue!
HiFi - Click here for the map
169 Avenue A, New York, New York 10009
Leah Bonnema
Justin Williams
Petey DeAbreu
Marc Gerber
Allan Finn
Matt Schwartzer
Gary Levitt
Dropping Like Flies (Improv w/ Annetta Marion, Valete Graham, Egor Ampleev, and Suzanne Schatzle)
Regina DeCicco
FREE and NO drink minimum - so support this venue!
HiFi - Click here for the map
169 Avenue A, New York, New York 10009