about the show - from the producer
PEOPLE OF THE WORLD! Get your willy on out to Willyburg and swing it around with the best crazies in town!
comics <click the names for more info>
Missy Baker: writer at Someecards.
Remy Faulding: Likes: cats, whisky and Mark Ruffalo. Dislikes: his job, his life and his negativity.
Shelly Colman: has lived in Brooklyn since before it was hip and has been un-hip ever since.
Ajai Raj: holds the distinction of being the only comedian made entirely of pressed ham, and performed in the Boston Comedy Festival.
Rebecca Vigil and Julian Kiani featuring Ethan Exacto Beatbox : they are awesome!
Margaret Champagne
Jodi Coyote
FREE and NO drink minimum - support this great venue!
Legion Bar - Click here for the map
790 Metropolitan Ave, Brooklyn, New York 11211
Missy Baker: writer at Someecards.
Remy Faulding: Likes: cats, whisky and Mark Ruffalo. Dislikes: his job, his life and his negativity.
Shelly Colman: has lived in Brooklyn since before it was hip and has been un-hip ever since.
Ajai Raj: holds the distinction of being the only comedian made entirely of pressed ham, and performed in the Boston Comedy Festival.
Rebecca Vigil and Julian Kiani featuring Ethan Exacto Beatbox : they are awesome!
Margaret Champagne
Jodi Coyote
FREE and NO drink minimum - support this great venue!
Legion Bar - Click here for the map
790 Metropolitan Ave, Brooklyn, New York 11211