Dark Spots is a free, monthly comedy show where comedians are asked to perform their darkest, saddest, and most traumatic–but funny–bits. Each month performers are asked to do a set inspired by a different dark theme, like death, illness, depression, divorce, and more.
This month's theme is: RELIGION
comics <click the names for more info>
Sam Evans (Just for Laughs)
Noah Gardenswartz (Last Comic Standing)
Dina Hashem (Bridgetown Comedy Festival)
Janelle James (Eugene Mirman Comedy Festival)
Aarona Lopez (Nick Cannon Presents Wild N Out)
Amber Nelson (Murderfist, Time Out NY Comic to Watch)
Shane Torres
Nate Fridson
Alison Zeidman
FREE and NO drink minimum
The Creek and Cave - Click here for the map
10-93 Jackson Ave, Long Island City, NY 11101
Sam Evans (Just for Laughs)
Noah Gardenswartz (Last Comic Standing)
Dina Hashem (Bridgetown Comedy Festival)
Janelle James (Eugene Mirman Comedy Festival)
Aarona Lopez (Nick Cannon Presents Wild N Out)
Amber Nelson (Murderfist, Time Out NY Comic to Watch)
Shane Torres
Nate Fridson
Alison Zeidman
FREE and NO drink minimum
The Creek and Cave - Click here for the map
10-93 Jackson Ave, Long Island City, NY 11101