Take It or Leave It  |  Friday June 19, 2015  |  8PM about the show - from the producer That's right mu'fuckas! It's th...

Take It or Leave It
friday june 19, 2015 :: 8PM

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Take It or Leave It  |  Friday June 19, 2015  |  8PM

about the show - from the producer
That's right mu'fuckas! It's that time of year. Put your kids ta bed early, cause it's the mu'fuggin... JUUUUNE SHOOOOW! bu-bu-buBWAA-BWAA!

BWa.. bwa... that... that was an airhorn... like a DJ airhorn...

We've been gearing up for this one all year, so come Live, Laugh, Love with us. ALL THIS FOR THE LOW LOW PRICE OF FREE!

(I'm sorry I wrote the f word, mom.)

<click the names for more info>
Rosebud Baker
May Wilkerson
Zach Erwin
Dave Columbo

Featuring masterful musical marvels, Sim Ross and the Redemption!

Paul Spratt


The Creek and The Cave - Click here for the map
10-93 Jackson Ave, Long Island City, New York 11101
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